To apply for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition, fill out an application form available from the EP&BGSG website here and send the completed application form and manuscript to:
P.O. Box 5448
Department of Geosciences
Mississippi State, MS 39762
You can also send a pdf of the manuscript and entry form to
The deadline is 25 February, 2011.
Additionally, a maximum of two Travel Grants of $100 each are available to qualified applicants. Preference for the awarding of a Travel Grant will be: 1) any student who competes in the Saarinen Paper competition; 2) any student presenting a paper or poster in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the annual meeting who is not competing in the Saarinen Paper competition. Travel grant awardees MUST be in attendance at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2011 AAG meeting.
P.O. Box 5448
Department of Geosciences
Mississippi State, MS 39762