Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saarinen Paper Contest 2011

The Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group announces the 2011 Saarinen Student Paper Competition. The EP&BGSG will award a $250 prize for the best student paper, illustrated paper, or poster (graduate or undergraduate) presented in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the 2011 AAG meeting in Washington, D.C..

Entrants in the Saarinen Student Paper Competition must also submit a maximum 25-page (double-spaced) version of their work. Papers must be based upon original research done as an undergraduate or graduate student and must be written entirely by the applicant. The winner will be announced at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2011 AAG meeting. Attendance at the EP&BGSG meeting is not required to receive the Saarinen Student Paper Competition award.

All submissions will be judged on written clarity, methodological soundness, contribution to the field of EP&BG, and their presentation at the meeting. The Academic Directors of the EP&BGSG will judge all entries.

To apply for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition, fill out an application form available from the EP&BGSG website here and send the completed application form and manuscript to:

Kathleen Sherman-Morris
P.O. Box 5448
Department of Geosciences
Mississippi State, MS 39762

You can also send a pdf of the manuscript and entry form to

The deadline is 25 February, 2011.

Additionally, a maximum of two Travel Grants of $100 each are available to qualified applicants. Preference for the awarding of a Travel Grant will be: 1) any student who competes in the Saarinen Paper competition; 2) any student presenting a paper or poster in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the annual meeting who is not competing in the Saarinen Paper competition. Travel grant awardees MUST be in attendance at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2011 AAG meeting.

To apply for a Travel Grant, fill out an application form available from the EP&BGSG website here and send the completed application form to:

Kathleen Sherman-Morris
P.O. Box 5448
Department of Geosciences
Mississippi State, MS 39762

The deadline is 25 February, 2011.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

AAG 2011 Call for Participation

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 2011

Seattle, Washington

Call for Participation

Sessions: Cognition, Behavior, and Representation

Organizers: Sarah Battersby (University of South Carolina), Sara Irina Fabrikant (University of Zurich), Amy Griffin (University of New South Wales), Scott Bell (University of Saskatchewan), and Kirk Goldsberry (Michigan State University)

Specialty Group Sponsors: Cartography, GIS, and Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography


We invite papers on cognitive aspects of geographic research to be included in a series of sessions at the 2011 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Specifically of interest are theoretical and empirical contributions exploring computation, geovisualization, navigation and wayfinding, cartography, education, and methods specific to cognitive research. This includes (but is not limited to):

~ geovisualization design, implementation and use (technical and/or cognitive issues)

~ application of geovisualization displays & tools to understanding spatial cognition

~ methods for and application of cognitive theories and methods to understanding issues in geographic research (including fMRI)

~ human-geovisualization interaction research

~ cognition of space-time representations
~ wayfinding and navigation

~ cognitive map design research

~ usability of digital geographic displays


In addition to geographers, GIScientists, cartographers, and cognitive or behavioral geographers we are also looking for speakers from a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, cognitive science, education, HCI, etc.

To be included in this session, please:

1. Register and submit your abstract online following the AAG Guidelines (

2. Email your presenter identification number (PIN), paper title, and abstract to Sarah Battersby by October 13, 2010.