Monday, November 17, 2008

2009 Saarinen Student Paper Announcement

Saarinen Student Paper Competition

The Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group announces the 2009 Saarinen Student Paper Competition. The EP&BGSG will award a $200 prize for the best student paper, illustrated paper, or poster (graduate or undergraduate) presented in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the 2009 AAG meeting in Las Vegas.

Entrants in the Saarinen Student Paper Competition must also submit a maximum 25-page (double-spaced) version of their work. Papers must be based upon original research done as an undergraduate or graduate student and must be written entirely by the applicant. Awardees must be in attendance at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2009 AAG meeting.

All submissions will be judged on written clarity, methodological soundness, contribution to the field of EP&BG, and their presentation at the meeting. The Academic Directors of the EP&BGSG will judge all entries. The deadline for receiving your Saarinen Competition application form and your paper submission is Friday, February 13, 2009.

To apply for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition, fill out an application form available here:

2009 Entry Form

Send completed application form and manuscript to:

Dan Montello

Geography Department

University of California

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

For questions contact Dan Montello via telephone (805 893-8536) or e-mail (

2010 Student Travel Grants

Environmental Perception & Behavioral Geography Specialty Group Travel Grants 2010

A maximum of five Travel Grants of $145 each are available to qualified applicants.

Preference for the awarding of a Travel Grant will be:

1) any student who competes in the Saarinen Paper competition;

2) any student presenting a paper or poster in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the annual meeting who is not competing in the Saarinen Paper competition.

Awardees must be in attendance at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2010 AAG meeting.

Application deadline: Friday, February 12, 2010.

To apply for a Travel Grant, fill out an application form available here:

2010 Travel Grant Application

Send completed application form (electronically is preferred) to:

Dan Montello (email

Geography Department

University of California-Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

For questions contact Dan Montello via telephone (805 893-8536) or e-mail (

Monday, September 08, 2008

Call for Papers

Geographies of Sustainable Lifestyles

Session Organisers: Stewart Barr (University of Exeter) and Frances Fahy (University of Ulster). Sponsored by the Environmental Perception and Behavioural Geography Specialty Group of the AAG

The start of the 21st century has been characterised by urgent calls to examine the role of consumption in driving global environmental change and framing responses to these ecological dilemmas. Indeed, the ways in which consumption has been constituted and influenced by environmental, technological, economic, social and political processes have become critical issues for geographers. The convergence of these two research agendas has therefore provided geographers and other social science researchers with a range of opportunities to explore the emerging contexts for ‘sustainable lifestyles’ and the growing political importance of behaviour change. These have been undertaken at a range of scales (from individuals and households, to organisations and institutions) and have examined numerous environmentally-related practices that encompass consumptive, habitual and ‘post-consumption’ behaviours. Indeed, research in this field is characterised by a range of theoretical and applied approaches. Accordingly, this session aims to bring together geographers and other social scientists who are engaged in research on sustainable consumption, lifestyles and behaviour change. The session will provide an opportunity to explore the range of approaches towards sustainable consumption and will enable delegates to share theoretical and practical experiences from their research. We welcome contributions from researchers who are exploring this wide field, including those working on issues such as energy conservation, water resources, waste management, travel and transport, leisure and tourism and the broader field of ethical and green consumption. Contributions are welcome from those working at different scales (e.g. individual, household, organisational) and in a range of contexts (socio-economic, cultural, environmental).

Please forward expressions of interest and abstracts (250 words) for contributions to the session organisers: Stewart Barr ( or Frances Fahy (

Monday, March 24, 2008

Survey Request

Nadine Schuurman is conducting a survey on the balance between work and life amongst academic geographers. This is an issue of interest to many of us as our lives are increasingly sped up - and our inboxes are permanently overfilling. Nadine is keen to discern what common threads link our experience of work and stress in our discipline. The survey is completely anonymous and has ethics approval. There are no personal identifiers and the results will be automatically collated. Nadine offers her thanks in advance for filling out the survey and requests that you do not hesitate to contact her with any questions.

Take Survey Here

Nadine Schuurman
Associate Professor Geography
Simon Fraser University
ph: 778 782 3320
Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar