Greetings Members of the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group!
The Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group announces the 2012 Saarinen Student Paper Competition. The deadline for the full paper for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition is January 31, 2012.
The EP&BGSG will award a $250 prize for the best student paper, illustrated paper, or poster (graduate or undergraduate) presented in either environmental perception or behavioral geography at the 2012 AAG meeting in Washington, D.C.
Entrants in the Saarinen Student Paper Competition must also submit a maximum 25-page (double-spaced) version of their work. Papers must be based upon original research done as an undergraduate or graduate student and must be written entirely by the applicant. The winner will be announced at the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group business meeting at the 2012 AAG meeting. Attendance at the EP&BGSG meeting is not required to receive the Saarinen Student Paper Competition award.
All submissions will be judged on written clarity, methodological soundness, contribution to the field of EP&BG, and their presentation at the meeting.
The Academic Directors of the EP&BGSG will judge all entries.
To apply for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition, fill out an application form available from the EP&BGSG website and send the completed application form and manuscript to:
Dr. Bethany Cutts, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, MC-047, 1102 S Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61810
In addition, Travel Awards are available for students presenting papers at the AAG Meeting in New York on the topics of environmental perception or behavioral geography.
Thank you,
Chris Badurek
Chair, Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group, AAG