Thursday, April 14, 2005

2005 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting
April 8, 2005

Members in Attendance: 7

Presiding: Lisa DeChano, President


1) Dr. Lisa DeChano, Specialty Group President welcomed the members in attendance.

2) It was agreed that the minutes from the 2004 business meeting would be approved by email.

3) The following issues were discussed:

a. The Specialty Group sponsored no sessions at the 2005 AAG Annual meeting. It was universally agreed that this needed to be rectified for 2006.
b. President DeChano noted that the issue of diversity was discussed at the Chair’s meeting.
c. Vice-President David Stea brought to the Group’s attention two fellowships being offered by Mexico’s National Institute of Geography.
d. President DeChano passed along the desire of the AAG leadership to encourage posters and illustrated papers to reduce the number of concurrent sessions.
e. President DeChano noted the improvements in features available through the AAG website.
f. The Group discussed the timing of business meetings and decided that a lunchtime meeting might increase attendance.

4) Jon Malinowski, the Secretary/Treasurer, reported that the Group had $1691.39 at the time of the meeting.

5) Lynette Johnson was named the Student Paper Winner. She was also awarded a Travel Grant. The group voted to announce the paper competition and the travel grants separately to encourage entries. The group agreed that preference for the awarding of travel grants would be given to students entering the paper competition or presenting at the AAG national meeting.

6) David Stea stated his intention to leave his position at the completion of the 2006 business meeting.

7) A panel session at the 2006 Annual Meeting focusing on the direction of subdiscipline was proposed and generally received favorable responses. A special session for Reginald Golledge was also discussed.

8) Jon Malinowski proposed, and the Group approved, the purchasing of a separate website and domain name for the Specialty Group.

9) President DeChano closed the meeting.

Dr Jon Malinowski