The Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography (EPBG)
Specialty Group is pleased to announce two categories of awards at the
upcoming AAG meeting in Boston: the 2017 Saarinen Student Paper
Competition and 2017 EPBG Travel Grants. Students who submit abstracts
and present their work at the meeting are invited to apply. Please note
that the deadline for submitting your abstracts to the AAG Meeting is
October 27, 2016.
Saarinen Student Paper Competition:
The EPBG Specialty Group will award one $250 prize for the best student
paper, illustrated paper, or poster (graduate or undergraduate) that
addresses topics related to environmental perception or behavioral
geography at the 2017 AAG meeting. Entrants in the Saarinen Student
Paper Competition must submit a written paper in support of their
presentation. Paper should not be over 25-page (double-spaced). Shorter
papers are also encouraged. Papers must be based upon original research
done as a graduate or undergraduate student and must be written entirely
by the applicant. All submissions will be evaluated based on written
clarity, methodological soundness, contribution to the field of EPBG,
and their presentation at the meeting. The academic directors and
selected members of the EPBG specialty group will review all entries.
The deadline for the full paper for the Saarinen Student Paper
Competition is March 1, 2017.
apply for the Saarinen Student Paper Competition, please fill out the
application form in the provided link below and then email a single pdf
file containing (1) your accepted AAG abstract and presentation session,
(2) a letter from your research adviser verifying your student status
and confirming that you are the author of the submitted paper, and (3) a
copy of the paper, including figures and references to with “2017 Saarinen Paper Competition” in the subject line.
Travel grants:
Students at both undergraduate and graduate levels are encouraged to
apply for up to three travel grants of $100 each to support their travel
to Boston for the 2017 meeting. To apply, students should submit a copy
of their accepted abstract and complete the online application form.
Preference will be given to students competing in the Saarinen paper
competition and student members of the EPBG specialty group, although
any student presenting relevant work is welcome to apply. The deadline
to apply is March 1, 2017. Please note: Your attendance at the EPBG special group meeting is required to receive the travel grant.
You can click here or use the URL to submit your application. Please contact Dr. Rui Li (
if you have any questions and share this announcement with your
students or other organizations that may have potential applicants.