Friday, October 19, 2007

AAG 08 Call for Papers: Indigenous Peoples

Call for Papers: GEOGRAPHY AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (various sessions; individual papers welcome) Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting April 15-19 2008, Boston Massachusetts:

The Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group (IPSG) invites scholars working on issues that involve Indigenous peoples, across all regions and specializations within Geography, to participate in IPSG-sponsored sessions. Indigenous-Geography issues operate on the forefront of Postcolonial Theory, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory, as well as addressing issues of human rights, protected areas, environmental management, borders and mobility, and much, much more.

If your work intersects with Indigenous issues, consider participating in one of our sessions, or if you have a session that pertains to indigenous people and their issues, please let us know that we may look into (co-)sponsorship. Every year, the IPSG sponsors a range of sessions, some of which are conceptualized from the start, and some which come together out of the diverse interests expressed by potential participants.

Please view the IPSG website for full information on these and forthcoming sessions.

--New Stories for Old Places: Theorizing the Philosophy and Politics of Place for Indigenous Geographies --Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas: Conservation Through Self-Determination --Indigenous Geography and Education: Negotiating pedagogy in the classroom and the discipline.
--Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples
--Indigenous Tourism
--The U.N. Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Strategies for the Future of Human Rights --Geography’s “Colonial Present” and Postcolonial Scholarship Additional proposals an individual papers are welcome.

If you are interested in participating in a particular session, you can contact the session organizer directly. Otherwise, interested persons, including session organizers and discussants, should contact Doug Herman at The National Museum of the American Indian:

Abstracts and materials must be received in time to submit before the 31 October 2007 deadline.

Dr. Douglas Herman
Senior Geographer
National Museum of the American Indian
Smithsonian Institution
4th St. & Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20560

Monday, October 15, 2007

AAG 08 Call for Papers: Katrina

AAG 2008: Call for Paper/Abstracts

"In the Shadow of a Storm: Geographies of Katrina and Post-Katrina New Orleans"

Organizers: Scott Bell, Brown University and University of Saskatchewan; Xun Shi, Geography, Dartmouth University

These sessions will focus on hurricane Katrina and its aftermath in New Orleans. We anticipate these sessions will attract physical and human geographers and span a variety of approaches to geographic inquiry.
Furthermore, we hope to attract non-geographers working on topics related to Katrina and New Orleans. The potential topics covered by sessions and submissions might include Social and Environmental Justice, participatory mapping, governance and community involvement, hazard mitigation/perception, soil mapping, hydrology, historical development, development geography, among many others (see a longer list below). The breadth of the topics is sure to make these sessions a rich opportunity for geographers and researchers of all backgrounds to come together to better understand the storm and its impact on New Orleans. The organizers are willing to develop themed Katrina/New Orleans sessions if there is enough interest; feel free to contact us with ideas.
Submissions will be grouped in an effort to bring common themes together in single sessions.

Please send notes of interest to and We will eventually need an abstract PIN in order add presenters to these sessions.

The Association of American Geographers Annual meeting will be held from April 15th through 19th in Boston, MA. Additional information and conference registration/abstract submission can be found at

Other potential topics: demographic dynamics, social and environmental justice, land use and land cover changes, environmental conservation, environmental health, urban planning and management, hydrological modeling, emergency response, historical development, gentrification, governance and community involvement, participatory mapping, and the applications of spatial information technologies (GIS, remote sensing, and GPS) in all these issues
Scott Bell
Assistant Professor, Population Studies Training Center Brown University
303 Maxcy Hall
Providence, RI 02912
ph. 401 863-1064 fax 401 863-3213


Associate Professor
Geography, University of Saskatchewan

AAG 08 Call for Papers: Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers Boston, MA, April 15-19, 2008

Call for Participation

Session: Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization

Organizers: Sara Irina Fabrikant (University of Zurich) and Amy Lobben (University of Oregon)

Specialty Group Sponsors: Cartography, GIS, and Environmental Perception & Behavioral Geography


We invite papers within the interdisciplinary research area of geographic information visualization and cognition. Specifically of interest are theoretical and empirical contributions exploring the human-geovisualization display interface. This includes (but is not limited to):

~ geovisualization design research (2D/3D, animated/virtual/ immersive, static/interactive/mobile, etc.) ~ the application of cognitive theories and methods to understanding
geovisualization displays & geovis tool use ~ the application of geovisualization displays & tools to understanding spatial cognition ~ reasoning, inference & decision making with geovisualization displays & tools ~ human-geovisualization interaction research


In addition to geographers, GIScientists, and cartographers, we are also looking for speakers from a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, cognitive science, education, HCI, etc.

To be included in this session, please:

1. Register and submit your abstract online following the AAG Guidelines (

2. Email your presenter identification number (PIN), paper title, and abstract to both of the session organizers by October 26, 2007.

Contact Information

Sara Irina Fabrikant (University of Zurich)

Amy Lobben (University of Oregon)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

AAG 08 Call for Papers: Consumerism

Call for Papers: 2008 AAG Meeting, Boston, MA, April 15-19

The Geography of Consumerism

Organized by Galen Martin (University of Oregon)

Advertising and non-conventional product promotion increasingly penetrates into formerly non-commercial spaces. In clothing that promotes the brand names or in proposals to advertise in space, we are witnessing the nearly ubiquitous presence of consumerist promotions on larger scales. Nature, culture and public spaces are increasingly commodified, packaged, and sold.

At the same time, levels of consumption remain grossly uneven between and within countries. While capitalism suggests unencumbered growth in production and consumption, finite natural resources imply limits to growth. The enticing message of consumerism far outstrips the ability of the global economy to deliver affordable goods, even basic goods, while ignoring the environmental implications of increased levels of consumption. Attempts to address these issues on the part of affluent consumers are often criticized as superficial fixes that fail to address fundamental inequities and false assumptions.

We seek contributions, theoretical and demonstrative, that address the spatial or environmental aspects of consumerism, advertising and citizen responses. Topics may include:

"Green" consumerism
Citizen responses to commercialism
Siting and resistance to big box stores
China as the new consumer
Commodity chain studies
Product life-cycle analysis
Bottled water
Commodification and commercialization of public space Voluntary simplicity Non-conventional product promotion Commidification of culture and nature "Buy local" movements Fair trade movements Carbon bonds

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Galen Martin ( by Oct 15.

AAG 2008 Call for Papers: Everyday Spaces

Exploring the Place of Space in Environments for Human Activities and Experiences.

Organized by Molly Boeka Cannon and Doug Amedeo, Geography, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

We envision this 2008 AAG session to be one which would entertain papers examining the role of space as an inextricable component with other fundamental dimensions in the structuring of everyday environments for activities and experiences. Some of the topics which may fit under this theme, for example, include the importance of space in the conduct of activities and the having of experiences, why space matters in apprehending the nature of environments for activities and experiences, the role of space as a structuring-dimension in everyday environments, the role of space in scale effects on alternative versions of activity spaces, comprehending human activities and experiences in non-spatial settings, how space influences the conceptual and structural coherence of stimuli constituting activity environments, and the like. We are seeking papers that show distinctive and, perhaps, innovative ways of exploring these spatial issues in either an applied or theoretical way. Any perspective is, of course, welcome ranging from cognitive to more experiential positions, as long as one's principle focus is about space as a dimension of ordinary, everyday, environments for human activities and experiences.

Please send comments and or submissions to Molly Boeka Cannon at