The Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group (IPSG) invites scholars working on issues that involve Indigenous peoples, across all regions and specializations within Geography, to participate in IPSG-sponsored sessions. Indigenous-Geography issues operate on the forefront of Postcolonial Theory, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory, as well as addressing issues of human rights, protected areas, environmental management, borders and mobility, and much, much more.
If your work intersects with Indigenous issues, consider participating in one of our sessions, or if you have a session that pertains to indigenous people and their issues, please let us know that we may look into (co-)sponsorship. Every year, the IPSG sponsors a range of sessions, some of which are conceptualized from the start, and some which come together out of the diverse interests expressed by potential participants.
Please view the IPSG website for full information on these and forthcoming sessions.
--New Stories for Old Places: Theorizing the Philosophy and Politics of Place for Indigenous Geographies --Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas: Conservation Through Self-Determination --Indigenous Geography and Education: Negotiating pedagogy in the classroom and the discipline.
--Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples
--Indigenous Tourism
--The U.N. Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Strategies for the Future of Human Rights --Geography’s “Colonial Present” and Postcolonial Scholarship Additional proposals an individual papers are welcome.
If you are interested in participating in a particular session, you can contact the session organizer directly. Otherwise, interested persons, including session organizers and discussants, should contact Doug Herman at The National Museum of the American Indian:
Abstracts and materials must be received in time to submit before the 31 October 2007 deadline.
Dr. Douglas Herman
Senior Geographer
National Museum of the American Indian
Smithsonian Institution
4th St. & Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20560